
How Lenovo Accelerated Revenue Growth with AI

Lenovo is leading the charge on AI across multiple fronts - from their AI for All vision to the AI Center of Excellence in the Solutions & Services Group to the launch of their transformative Digital Workplace Solutions offering.

Lenovo's global sales team needed a best-in-class, AI-powered revenue enablement solution to match their pace of innovation. They found what they needed in Letter AI.

Actual AI roleplay session to help practice the talk track for a cutting-edge Lenovo solution.



Conducted of AI roleplay, training, and co-pilot Q&A in Q1 of launch



Supported by dynamic AI-powered sales rooms



In time to find accurate responses for client and internal questions


Lenovo, a global leader in technology and innovation, is driving a market leading push to deliver real impact from AI. They announced the inspiring AI for All vision last year, introduced new AI advisory services within their Solutions & Services Group, and launched the trailblazing Digital Workplace Solutions (DWS) offering to help enterprises keep up with today’s rapidly evolving workplace demands. These offerings required an equally cutting-edge, end-to-end revenue enablement platform powered by the latest AI technology. Lenovo partnered with Letter AI to holistically transform its sales strategy and execution, driving both deal velocity and sales productivity.

Letter AI’s unified platform delivered value across the entire revenue journey, from content management and personalization to hyper-personalized training & AI coaching to enhanced deal pursuit with AI Sales Rooms and RFP Automation. The strategic partnership with Letter AI not only streamlined Lenovo's processes but set new industry standards in AI-driven revenue enablement.

Industry: Consumer Electronics, Software, Business and Services Solutions
Employees: 70,000+
Revenue: $55B+

Use Cases:

  • Content Management & Personalization
  • Training & AI Roleplay
  • Real-Time Knowledge Retrieval (AI Co-Pilot)
  • AI Sales Room
  • AI Powered RFP Automation


To successfully bring its new Digital Workplace Solutions offering to market, Lenovo had to tackle 4 key challenges:


Quickly ramp up globally distributed sales team: Lenovo needed to train hundreds of technical and generalist sellers spread across North America, LatAm, Europe, Asia, and Australia / New Zealand on its new solutions.


Manage and personalize deal collateral: Marketing and offering teams developed hundreds of compelling sales assets which now needed to be managed, personalized, and localized given the unique needs of Lenovo's team and customers.


Deliver differentiated buyer experiences: Lenovo’s new offering required a more engaging buyer experience than emails and PowerPoint to demonstrate innovation and differentiate among legacy providers.


Quickly respond to complex customer inquiries: Lenovo’s enterprise selling motion required answering complex requests for proposal (RFPs) and other customer inquiries, which could consist of hundreds of questions taking weeks to answer.


The Letter AI sales platform empowers us to address client needs seamlessly, regardless of their location, language, or the complexity of their requirements. This platform has revolutionized our approach to personalization by adapting the sales process to individual seller strengths, accommodating rapidly changing product and service offerings, and automating routine sales tasks. As a result, we've seen substantial improvements in both sales productivity and effectiveness, driving our success forward.

Vijay Gopal
Global Offering Leader - Digital Workplace Solutions

Letter AI Solutions


Collaborating with Letter AI has been a game-changer for us. The innovative technology and user-friendly interface have made it easy and quick to upskill our teams with the latest solutions, allowing us to get to market faster than ever before.

Paige Grady
Director, Strategy & Alliances, Digital Workplace Solutions

AI Powered Training & Roleplay

Letter AI partnered with Lenovo’s enablement team to build engaging, personalized training and realistic AI roleplay for the new launch. The team launched a new certification pathway to its team of global sellers in just 3 weeks. Building enablement of this quality previously took multiple months or even quarters. Key features included:

  • Native support for 11 languages: The training and AI roleplay offered native support for multiple languages including Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and more. This was critical to support Lenovo's team of global sellers.

  • Personalized messaging for different audiences: A cutting edge solution like DWS required sellers to refine their talk track for every discussion. Letter's AI workflows allowed them to quickly tailor training to different personas.

  • Supporting the transition to consultative selling: Practical and hands-on AI roleplay with realistic mock customers helped sellers transition to the consultative selling approach needed for Lenovo's new offering.

Content Management and Personalization

Lenovo was able to sync existing sales and marketing content to Letter AI within hours - whether it was PowerPoint / Word files, PDFs, videos, or audio. The content was instantly enriched with AI powered metadata in Letter AI, making discoverability a breeze. It was also automatically made available to the Letter AI co-pilot and could be leveraged to build new, hyper-personalized content in the platform.

  • Instant enrichment of content for best-in-class discoverability: Letter AI efficiently organized and indexed Lenovo's multi-modal content, empowering sellers to find what they needed via AI search in and the Letter AI co-pilot in seconds.

    Ability to generate new personalized content: Lenovo teams were able to generate new, personalized content in minutes - including email sequences, learning & AI roleplay, and sales messaging personalized for specific industries and customers. The content was automatically translated into 11 different languages.

  • Personal content repository for sellers: Unlike other enablement platforms, Letter also empowered Lenovo sellers to manage and personalize content specific to them (e.g., marketing for their specific account list). The content was stored separately from more generally available sales materials, allowing sellers to form pods focused on specific deals.


Letter AI has completely transformed how our teams manage and personalize sales content and messaging. Our success hinges on our ability to tailor solutions and sales approaches to the unique needs, preferences, and behaviors of our clients. We must adapt our selling process to match the capabilities of our sales team, respond swiftly to evolving service offerings, and relieve our sellers from routine administrative tasks. These objectives have been realized through the transformative capabilities of Letter AI.

Vijay Gopal
Global Offering Leader - Digital Workplace Solutions

"Working smarter, not harder, has never made more sense than with the Letter AI platform. Utilizing its Gen AI brain enables my team and me to be the most efficient we have ever been in creating, formulating, and responding to our clients."

Daniel Bresach
Digital Workplace Solutions Principal

Letter AI Co-Pilot

The Letter AI co-pilot was a seller favorite. Lenovo’s global teams are incredibly busy - having a trusted AI advisor by their side ensured they always had the most relevant information to wow customers. The co-pilot further automated routine tasks, freeing up the busy schedule of sellers to focus on core revenue generating activities.

  • Verified answer to any question in seconds: Before Letter, it could take days to get an answer to a product or technical question. With Letter, sales teams at Lenovo were able to find instant answers to any questions they had, whether they were technical, pricing, or competition related. Each answer came with verified sources also viewable in the platform.

  • Multi-lingual, multi-modal experience: The Letter AI Co-Pilot kept pace with Lenovo's global footprint, providing responses in 11 different languages. It also analyzed video / audio content as effectively as decks and webpages, taking full advantage of the effective sales material Lenovo's teams had created.

  • Automation of routine tasks: One of the sales team's favorite features was the ability to automate responses to customer inquiries, draft emails, make translations, and even brainstorm to prepare for important meetings. The capability saved sellers hours per week.

AI Sales Rooms

Lenovo extensively leveraged Letter's AI Sales Rooms, making it a standard part of all large deal pursuits. The feature allowed them to engage buyers like never before, with embedded AI capabilities that differentiated the experience among other providers.

  • Rich, collaborative buyer experiences built in minutes: Using Letter AI's no-code AI sales room builder, Lenovo teams were able to build beautiful and collaborative experiences for in-progress deals to share relevant content, track key activities, and streamline communication.

    Embedded AI tailored to the needs of every customer: Lenovo embedded a customized AI co-pilot in every sales room, able to interact via voice and chat in multiple languages. Customers could locate key information in seconds, with verified sources includes for further reading.

  • Real-time alerts on buyer engagement: Lenovo's sales team received real-time alerts as their buyers engaged with the content they shared, with visibility into user and content level interactions. The data was invaluable in prompting follow ups and identifying new content to build.


Leveraging the AI capabilities of Letter AI has been incredibly helpful for our users. It’s not only saving us valuable time but also significantly boosting our customer engagement process, making our interactions more efficient and impactful.

Alisha Fazlani
Offering Business Analyst, Digital Workplace Solutions

Where to start…excellent presentation and the AI does not hallucinate. My bid manager and the solution architect were amazed by the result.

Nicolas Arque
Digital Workplace Solutions Director, Solutions & Services Group

End-to-End RFP Automation

With all their sales content managed in Letter AI, Lenovo asked - can Letter AI accept an RFP and automatically generate the response? Letter brought that vision to life in just one month, iterating closely with the Lenovo team to drive improvements.

  • End-to-end RFP response automation: Lenovo teams were able to upload multiple RFP files and generate detailed responses to any questions found. The RFP automation workflows also auto-generated a customized cover letter and executive summary. The team could export the responses to share with bid managers, saving hours of manual work.

  • RFP analysis to identify risks and response strategy: Not every RFP is created equal. Letter was able to summarize complex RFP documents for Lenovo, identifying key risks and provide sales teams a game plan for a response.

  • Golden Responses repository for future use: RFPs often ask the same questions. A trusted library of responses ensures the same message goes out every time. With Letter AI's Golden Responses capability, sales teams could rest assured the AI didn't reinvent the wheel for common questions and answered using a verified response every time.

Real Impact

Supercharged Ramping

Lenovo's enablement teams were able to create engaging, multi-lingual training in just a matter of hours vs. weeks (or even months) prior. The practical and engaging content, combined with the hands-on AI roleplay, ramped up sellers quickly, significantly improving skills and confidence to pitch a new offering.

2000+ sessions conducted of AI roleplay, training, and co-pilot Q&A within Q1 of launch

Personalized Experiences

Letter’s AI Sales Rooms created engaging, personalized experiences for Lenovo's largest deals, leading to an differentiated and delightful buyer experience. The approach not only impressed clients but materially advanced several major deals, influencing hundreds of millions in TCV.

$400M+ in Total Contract Value (TCV) supported by dynamic AI-powered sales rooms

Instant, Accurate Answers

Lenovo’s sales teams could now find verified answers to complex questions on topics ranging from competitors to technical solutioning - all in a matter of seconds. With RFP automation, teams were able to load multiple RFP documents and receive a completed response with vetted sources, drastically accelerating response times.

90%+ reduction in time to find accurate responses for client questions (e.g., to respond to RFPs) and internal inquiries


Working with Letter AI has been an exceptional experience. The team is always available with prompt responses, addressing all feedback and queries in a timely manner. Their dedication to ensuring users have the best experience is evident in their proactive engagement and commitment to continuous improvement.

Alisha Fazlani
Offering Business Analyst, Digital Workplace Solutions

Late one evening, I received a request from a sales leader who urgently needed technical sales information for a customer meeting. Within seconds, I was able to pull what he needed from our AI co-pilot. This real-time intelligence helps us accelerate sales cycles in a way we simply couldn't do before without the platform's AI-powered capabilities.

Abdul Hakim
Executive Director, Digital Workplace Solutions

Letter AI is not just another sales tool to help you meet your goals; it enables growth beyond a quota and fundamentally changes who you are and how you define success.

Daniel Bresach
Digital Workplace Solutions Principal

Letter AI takes revenue enablement to the next level. The platform AI driven features expedite time to revenue, improving quality of service for our sellers and customers. Our sellers have been role-playing to optimize their pitches and getting product answers, summarizing large documents, and building customer responses in seconds! All available in an impressive array of multiple languages for our global sales force. And with the AI Sales Room, customers get to benefit from some of these fantastic AI features – and experience - as well. Amazing platform backed up by extraordinary support and responsiveness from Letter AI.

tiago headshot
Tiago Da Costa Silva
Strategy & Planning Director,
Digital Workplace Services & Solutions

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