
The AI Edge: How Redpanda Redefined Sales Enablement

How Redpanda, a unified streaming data platform that delivers mission-critical data for the always-on business, leveraged the transformative power of our AI-powered revenue enablement platform to drive sales success.

Real conversation with Redpanda ADR


Hours per Week

Given back to sales teams with use of AI training, roleplay, & co-pilot



In first call to meeting booked in the first 45 days of using Letter AI



In time to create personalized, high quality enablement materials


To keep up with customer demand, Redpanda is building a fast-growing, globally distributed sales force. With a go-to-market organization of over 100+ team members, legacy enablement software couldn’t keep up with their pace of change due to the inflexibility, manual setup and oversight, and administrative overhead required.

Letter AI’s goal was to implement a new sales onboarding process as quickly as possible, provide just-in-time enablement for a key acquisition and product launch, and deliver high-precision knowledge retrieval for the entire revenue organization – all in one unified, AI-powered platform.

Industry: Data Management and Technology
Employees: 200+

Use Cases:

  • Content Management
  • New Hire Onboarding
  • On-Demand Knowledge Retrieval
  • Just-in-Time Enablement
  • New Product Training


Redpanda needed an enablement platform that could match their pace and high quality bar. Specifically, they faced the below challenges:


Onboarding and training a rapidly growing, distributed workforce without structured learning paths and pacing, relying on passive, ad-hoc methods like click-through links and videos.


Providing answers to busy sellers on Redpanda's technically complex product offering in a timely and personalized manner aligned to a team member’s specific needs.


Field Ops resource constraints to support the enablement of over 100 GTM teammates - and growing!


Lack of scalable coaching workflows, specifically for ADRs to convert highly technical buyers from first call to meeting booked.

Letter AI Solutions


With limited resources and an urgent need to improve field enablement, we found the right solution with Letter AI.  Their value was felt immediately as we leveraged their AI-assisted content creation feature, allowing us to produce “field-ready” enablement materials within minutes.  The AI Co-Pilot, integrated into our Slack instance, was a big hit with our team, allowing them to ask questions and receive instant responses that could be utilized in their sales efforts.

Letter AI has significantly improved our team’s efficiency, knowledge retention and collaboration across the company, leading to positive business outcomes and an empowered team. Their customer support and responsiveness to our feedback is masterclass, which ultimately gave us the confidence in the partnership.

David Hong
VP, Field Operations

It's a lot easier to start with a draft than a blank page when it comes to the knowledge checks. Letter AI produces those in minutes in situations where I might otherwise not have time.

Mike Broberg
Senior Product Marketing Manager

News Sales Onboarding Program

In just two weeks, Redpanda completely transformed and delivered their new sales onboarding program leveraging the AI powered capabilities of the Letter AI platform. Seamlessly integrating sales collateral with hands-on, practical learning, this new approach made use of existing decks / recordings and combined them with AI to deliver:

  • Video-Based Learning: Multi-modal training modules for essential sales techniques and company knowledge.

  • Interactive Learning: Training sessions on key product offerings, sales processes, and pricing.

  • Content Management: Organized and easily accessible collateral and training, discoverable with AI search.

This structured program replaced the previous ad-hoc methods, providing a more engaging and effective training experience, with embedded knowledge checks both built and evaluated by AI.

Hyper-Personalized AI Roleplay

Redpanda needed realistic roleplay experiences for their ADRs, but given the tremendous growth of their team, found it challenging to scale 1:1 manager coaching. They implemented the AI roleplay feature within Letter AI, prioritized just-in-time enablement to provide their sales team relevant mock customer calls for a recent acquisition. This approach included several key initiatives related to the new suite of products to sell:

  • ADR Certification: Implemented certification programs for Account Development Representatives, ensuring they acquired essential skills precisely when needed.

  • Acquisition Onboarding: Following the acquisition of Benthos, Redpanda leveraged Letter AI to swiftly onboard new team members. Personalized AI role-play exercises were created to simulate various customer scenarios, accelerating the integration process.

On the day of the acquisition's public announcement, Redpanda launched these role-play scenarios for the ADR team, demonstrating the agility and responsiveness only achievable through AI.


The role-play AI bot allowed me to make mistakes in a comfortable environment and perfect my pitch before speaking with prospects.

Ariel Reed
Account Development Representative

My favorite feature is having an AI bot with tons of knowledge on our product available at my fingertips. It is extremely fast, and gives well thought out answers to any questions or problems that I have.

Greg Boots
Commercial Sales

Slackbot Co-Pilot Integration

Redpanda enhanced training and field support by integrating the Letter AI Slackbot in their workspace. The Slackbot enabled sellers to:

  • Receive Instant Answers: Obtain accurate answers in real-time to any questions, whether it was product, pricing, or anything in between.

  • Easily Access Materials: Interact with all training materials directly within Slack, including both what is available in Letter AI with the best of the public web.

The Slackbot made it incredibly convenient for the sales team to access training and support whenever needed, and dive into Letter AI to learn more.


Letter AI has made a positive impact in my role by saving me tons of time in research & helps me do my job a lot more efficiently. Letter AI pulls data and knowledge from company wide resources, giving us extremely clear and accurate information in seconds.

Jack DeGroat
Account Development Representative

Real Impact

Streamlined Onboarding Process

With Letter AI, Redpanda was able to establish a structured onboarding program with clear daily objectives in just two weeks leveraging AI powered training generation workflows. This replaced the previous unstructured approach and provided new hires with a well-defined learning path.

90% reduction in time to create hyper-personalized, multi-model training and enablement materials


The Letter AI Co-Pilot has been super helpful in crafting up responses to contacts that have a super technical question and has helped me learn more about the Redpanda product over all.

Aiyanah Tyler-Cooper
Account Development Representative

Top-of-funnel Conversion Improvements

Selling a technically complex product often hinders discovery call success. Redpanda deployed Letter AI’s roleplay feature, setting up mock calls between ADRs and realistic AI customers. With personalized feedback after every interaction and tactical advice on improvements,  conversion rates increased in just 1.5 months.

20% improvement in conversation to meeting booked in the 45 days after implementing Letter AI.


It has allowed the sales development team to increase the conversion of cold call connects to meetings booked by allowing them to answer difficult questions during the cold call.

Jacob Lorraine
Manager, Account Developement

Improved Sales Productivity

Before Letter, sales teams had to navigate tribal knowledge to get answers to their questions and find relevant content, resulting in hours lost on any given day. With Letter, teams can instantly find content and get trusted answers to any questions, giving back time for revenue generating activities.

10+ hours per week given back to sales teams with automation of training & coaching and use of Letter AI Co-Pilot.


Letter AI has saved me time on numerous occasions with getting answers to technical questions, as well as when writing up personalized emails quickly so I can get back to other tasks.

Jack Degroat
Account Development Representative

The Letter AI team has seamlessly integrated with ours, providing constant support and engagement. They consistently push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Together, we’ve developed an enablement strategy in weeks that would typically take an army of people months. We can iterate rapidly and leverage our internal content efficiently. Letter AI is transforming our tribal knowledge into a cohesive written culture.

Chris Hall
Head of Sales Development

Like what you see?

Reach out for a personalized demo of Letter AI and learn how you can deliver similar impact for your revenue teams.

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