40 minutes

Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2024

July 22, 2024
Ali Akhtar

Ali, our Founder and CEO, sits down in an executive panel moderated by Sharon Goldman (Fortune). An exciting discussion with Vijay Gopal (Lenovo), Athena Karp (HiredScore, Workday), Lareina Yee (McKinsey & Company).

​​Every team has its characters. The quiet one who always turns things on time. The chatty one who always prompts a laugh. The authoritative one who always knows the answer. Which one will artificial intelligence be? AI is set to change the way products are bought and sold—but it will undoubtedly revamp the workplace experience, too. In this session we’ll talk about how we’ll put AI to work. Will it take over menial work, or accelerate creative output? Will it personalize the impersonal, or formalize the informal? And just how much productivity should we expect?

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